Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I found a tiny bit of time to write to today! And that's because I took my math final and I am all done with that class for better or worse! YAY!!!!!!!!! I really feel like leaping for joy!!! I don't think my grade is the greatest in that class, but at least it's done!!!
Now I only have a biography of Marie Antoinette to write in French (extra credit to bump up my grade) and the french final tomorrow morning. But at least that one isn't at 7 A.M. like my math one this morning!!!
Thank goodness for priesthood blessings and prayer. I had a complete panic attack last night trying to study for this morning, and my parents were wonderful to help and calm me down. (What my poor parents have to put up with!) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Mom and Dad!
I also have so much gratitude to my Savior and Heavenly Father.
I don't know how they could still possibly help and love me with how I am. But yet they do!
Kierra is getting braces today! She was not exactly looking forward to it ;D Two of her favorite things to eat are popcorn and hard tostadas.
It's scary to think that could be me in a little while! Kierra is a good sport though. I appreciate her so immensely!!! The other day I came home and my room, which had been a complete disaster that morning when I left (I will refrain from describing the horrible seen from fear of giving you nightmares, and also embarrassing myself) to a completely clothes free floor (which was also vacuumed) and a wonderfully made bed etc. Kierra did it almost all by herself, with a little help from my sweet "twin" Emma. They have to deal with me coming home ornery all the time, and they decided to help me. I think that is true love for a big sister!
Well, I guess I better go start that french paper, and french studying. Oh and by the way, any one have any ideas on what I should major in? So far I'm struggling between English, Home and Family Studies, Dance(with an emphasis on Ballet), Animal Vet tech, Musical Theater.... And I think that's it so far. Could the list get any bigger? Oh yeah, and there is World Dance, but I'm almost positive that if I don't major in it I will for sure minor in it. Oh decisions decisions. I really don't like them! Oh well! ;D
Now I really should go start that paper! Happy finals week everyone! And good luck, or as the french have it "Bon courage!"


  1. How did I miss putting Family History in that Major list? ;D

  2. Can you believe I forgot History too?!
    What ever shall I do?
