Thank heavens it's May, and I do mean that literally!
Finals are over!!!! YAY, YAY and YAY!!!!!!!!!! Can you tell how much I need the break? ;o) Or how excited I am? Not at all right?! ;o) hehe
I am so excited for summer! I have so many fun things to do and catch up on. I would love to read at least 3 or 4 books before school starts again! I've really missed having the time to just sit and read! And working on my french in preparation for next semester probably wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Thank you to anyone who may have said prayers for me. Especially my parents! What would I do without prayer? Go crazy and fail all my classes that's what! Lucky for me prayer does work! I know that! Having wonderful family and friends is always a plus too!
I'm not sure how often I'll get to the library during the break so if this happens to be the last time I write in a very long time, I hope everyone has a fantastic summer!