Friday, May 11, 2012

This is a quick post but I wanted to catch up on a few things. I got a job at Snow College painting the dorms! It has been good, even fun, but I'm really sore! Who knew that's what painting would do to you!
Trying to finish everything up for our dance/musical theater recital on the 19th! So excited!
I got all my grades back and got all A's (two were A-, but I'm not complaining). I'm not sure how that happened because I was really struggling in two of my classes especially, but it just reminds me that the Lord has a plan for my life, probably different from my own plan, and that I just need to trust and follow him! That brings me so much peace and happiness!
It's my parent's anniversary today so they went up north! Therefore dearest Emma is wanting me to finish this so we can go to McDonalds for dinner. Not the healthiest choice but it's become a tradition that whenever my Mom and Dad go somewhere for their anniversary we go to McDonalds. Someday maybe we'll think of a better tradition ;o)
Well, things are good though I very, very tired! It's been good to stay busy!
Hope everyone is doing great! Remember to always have a smile and a prayer! What a great time to be alive and serving the Lord!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Finished with Finals!!!!!

Well just finished all my finals! I'm just grateful that they're done and I don't really want to know what my grades are ;o)
It has been a good semester! Filled with stress but a lot of fun. This is a very bitter sweet feeling! Won't miss the homework but will REALLY miss my classes and all of my friends that are graduating!
I probably won't get to write much during the Summer, not that I wrote a lot during this last semester. ;)
I applied for a Summer job at Snow College but haven't heard back yet. We'll see what the next few months bring, but I am excited for next semester!
Hope everyone has a fantastic Summer! Keep Smiling!!!!
Love McKall