It's been awhile. Well, thinks are going good, but I am anxious for school to be over. Actually I'm anxious for homework to be over. I'm enjoying my classes and I'll be sad when they're over. I have a lot of great friends I am going to miss seeing.
Time has gone by so fast this semester!!! Today it's really warm and I LOVE IT!!!
General Conference was wonderful! I decided that I am in missionary mode because I mentioned to my mom about all the wonderful talks about missionary work and she said "I don't remember there being a lot of talks about missionary work." I guess you hear what you are thinking a lot about. I can't wait for a mission! If the Lord has other plans for me than serving a full time mission, I will be happy with that but I want to go on a mission very badly!!!! I do know how I am going to be able to wait a year!
I hope everyone is having a terrific April! Things are great here in lil'ol Manti! ;o)
Remember to keep smiling!!!