My how time flies!!! This summer has been more busy than I thought it would be for sure!
We helped my Grandparent's move from St. George, which was very sad for me! They have lived there for a very long time and I feel like most of my childhood memories are moving with them. But I know that is what is best for them right now. But life is full of change, I guess I just have to except that. Meanwhile life at the farm has been stressful, but it has also brought some excitement. We have had more baby goats, and I have to say that is probably my favorite part of having goats, seeing brand new life throughout the year! We have also had one of our hens hatch some chicks. Seeing it done the natural way has been a special experience. The Savior talking about gathering us under wings as a hen in the scriptures has even more meaning now. I love to watch how tender the mother hen is to her chicks. They are not even all her own, but she sacrificed for them and she truly is their mother. So it is with the Savior, he loves and excepts us even when we do not except him.
Today was the first day of Education Week at BYU! I absolutely loved it! The spirit is so strong in the classes, and I am so thankful for the spiritual boost before I start school again!
I am SO excited to teach dance again this year! I think teaching is definitely something that I enjoy, most of the time. ;o)
I hope everyone is enjoying this last little bit of Summer! I didn't really do anything I had planned on, but at the same time I have done a lot. I feel like a different person, hopefully a little more prepared for what the Lord has in store for me. Remember to enjoy the journey. That is something I very much struggle with, but I know it is a true principle, and that is does bring happiness! I hope everyone is smiling today! Remember the Lord loves you!