Friday, September 17, 2010

If Wishes were Horses (My Thought for the Day!)

Well, I thinking a lot today about the things that I wish I had or I wish I could do.
For example,
  • I wish I could dance on pointe shoes right now in Ballet (something that will take me a while to do, because of time, money and not being strong enough.)
  • I wish I was a master pianist! (Something that could maybe be a possibility if I took the time to practice)
  • I wish I could play the violin very badly
  • And I wish my Grandma was still alive so she could teach me to sing, since she was taught by someone from the Chicago Opera.

Since I was thinking of my Grandmother a saying that she told me many times came to mind-

"If wishes were horses than beggars would ride."

Wishing isn't always a bad thing, but it's not something I should focus on or worry about. The only thing I can do is change the things I can and not worry about the things I can't. And when we do the things the Lord wants us to, and focus on that instead, then we will truly be happy.

As long as we do what the Lord wants us to, does anything else really matter?

1 comment:

  1. Oops! If anyone is wondering I did mean to write I WAS thinking a lot today! ;o)
    Gotta love it when my brain is absent;o)
