Well I am stuck at the library with no math book, no french book, no music to choreograph and no piano to practice for almost a whole hour! Hmm.. Your probably wondering how this miracle happened right. ;o) Well, I had a 'wonderful' math test (that I feel actually went alright, but we'll see) and so my mother took home everything but my pencil, calculator, photo I.D. and my allowed note card. I ended up being done with my test quite a bit earlier than anticipated and my dad isn't leaving till 5 (pm) so I've been here since 4:20 (pm) looking at majors and minors at BYU and other things. I feel a little stressed that I'm not home doing the long list of things that REALLY need to be done, but on the other hand it's kinda nice to be able to relax for a little while because there is no way I can do the things I'm supposed to right now. Ever had that feeling of being torn, because you know there's things to be doing but glad for the excuse not to be doing it. Hmm, seems completely opposite. ;o)
Things seem to be going well right now. Even though I am so behind on pretty much everything, except math, and that has never happened before in my entire life (ask my mom)!
This last weekend we had Stake Conference and Elder Zwick of the Seventy came and gave a fireside at the institute! It all was wonderful and very much what I needed! I'm going to work on some little things in my life that I think will make some very big changes! It's amazing how the Lord works that way "It is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass."
It's something that I am learning one step at a time I guess, even though the steps are tiny.
I hope everyone is doing great! And to close I'll quote from a great teacher:
"Have a great day, and whatever else you do don't forget the gospel is true!"
P.S. I bet you know who that is.
I just noticed that it says I posted this at 3:38 pm, so just thought I'd say that this thing is off and it really is after 4pm. ;)