Friday, December 31, 2010

Well, I definitely planned on writing more over Christmas break. Actually I don't think much of my break went as I had previously planned. Not to say though that I haven't enjoyed it immensely! I have loved the time I've been able to spend with my family, though I think I could have wasted a little less of my time doing things that have no importance and spent that time with them. I am very much not ready to go back to my real life, and I've definitely decided that I never want to grow up. It occurred to be today that in a year and two months I will be twenty! Which isn't really that old considering, but how different I always imagined I would be and feel when I got around this age and time of my life. I still want to be younger than 10!
My perspectives are so easily changed, and I'm afraid that one of my biggest weaknesses is to not be content with where I am. Before I used to look to when I would be older. My imagination made it seem so very grand, and nothing would be hard for me when I was older. Now I only look back to when I was younger and things seemed more simple.
Discontentment and ingratitude is the best recipe for unhappiness I believe, but discontentment and gratitude is the best recipe for happiness. Yes it is possible to be discontent and grateful at the same time. Being grateful for everything Heavenly Father has blessed you with and yet being discontent with what the world has to offer, and being discontent with not trying to be better I am sure is what Heavenly Father wants us to feel.
However, being discontent and looking either to the past or the future, wishing to go back or to skip ahead, to be constantly thinking "I can't wait until this happens" or "I'll be happy when.." is ingratitude probably in one of it's worst forms. I fall into this oh so easily. Especially with school. It's rather amusing to follow my thought patterns. Just today I caught myself thinking, "I can't wait till school is over in April and I'll have some free time! But then in May it'll be kidding season for the goats, but hopefully that won't be too bad and I'll able to find some free time. Then it'll be pageant, and then I will be so tierd and won't have hardly any free time and I will want that to be over. I might have some time in July, but I suppose I should be thinking of trying to find a job, and somehow or other July is never not busy for me. Oh but then it will be August and school will start again!" Oh fickle little me!
I think "Seizing the Day" will be on my New Year's resolutions list, along with not waiting to be happy when I have free time but choosing to be happy no matter what I'm doing and how tierd I'm feeling. Just these two could keep me busy all year!
Well, thanks for letting me ramble. It's good for me to clear my head every once and awhile, though I feal very sorry for people who are so kind to find time to read this. Since it is mostly things that just pop into my head it probably isn't really worth reading, but thank you anyway, it really does help me. I hope Christmas has been everything everyone hoped it would be and that this coming year will be what everyone hopes it will be and more.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I found a tiny bit of time to write to today! And that's because I took my math final and I am all done with that class for better or worse! YAY!!!!!!!!! I really feel like leaping for joy!!! I don't think my grade is the greatest in that class, but at least it's done!!!
Now I only have a biography of Marie Antoinette to write in French (extra credit to bump up my grade) and the french final tomorrow morning. But at least that one isn't at 7 A.M. like my math one this morning!!!
Thank goodness for priesthood blessings and prayer. I had a complete panic attack last night trying to study for this morning, and my parents were wonderful to help and calm me down. (What my poor parents have to put up with!) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Mom and Dad!
I also have so much gratitude to my Savior and Heavenly Father.
I don't know how they could still possibly help and love me with how I am. But yet they do!
Kierra is getting braces today! She was not exactly looking forward to it ;D Two of her favorite things to eat are popcorn and hard tostadas.
It's scary to think that could be me in a little while! Kierra is a good sport though. I appreciate her so immensely!!! The other day I came home and my room, which had been a complete disaster that morning when I left (I will refrain from describing the horrible seen from fear of giving you nightmares, and also embarrassing myself) to a completely clothes free floor (which was also vacuumed) and a wonderfully made bed etc. Kierra did it almost all by herself, with a little help from my sweet "twin" Emma. They have to deal with me coming home ornery all the time, and they decided to help me. I think that is true love for a big sister!
Well, I guess I better go start that french paper, and french studying. Oh and by the way, any one have any ideas on what I should major in? So far I'm struggling between English, Home and Family Studies, Dance(with an emphasis on Ballet), Animal Vet tech, Musical Theater.... And I think that's it so far. Could the list get any bigger? Oh yeah, and there is World Dance, but I'm almost positive that if I don't major in it I will for sure minor in it. Oh decisions decisions. I really don't like them! Oh well! ;D
Now I really should go start that paper! Happy finals week everyone! And good luck, or as the french have it "Bon courage!"

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas and FINALS!

It has really been a long time since I wrote on this thing! :D
Our Christmas show went terrific! If this does happen to be my last year I couldn't have asked for better finishing Christmas performance! Everyone did an amazing job! I love everyone at the studio! And it's been really weird not to see them for the past week! How will I ever get to January? ;D
Finals week is really stressing me, and my mom will testify that I have been taking lots of deep breaths lately. I can hardly wait for Christmas break! The small time without stress is much needed!!! Hopefully I'll have more time to write more meaningful things over the break as well, and if I can figure out my camera post some pictures!!! Until then, Happy Finals Week, and Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's been awhile

I know it's been awhile since I've written on here but I decided that I have to do homework before I do this and so I guess you can tell I've had some homework to catch up on lately.

General Conference was so wonderful and it seemed very much meant for me. I can hardly wait for the ensign to come out so I can read and re-read the talks over and over.

Manti Music and Dance did well on the Halloween show and I applaude them all! Everyone worked so hard and I wish I could've seen the show!
Now it's on to Christmas and we only have 4 weeks!!! But I know we can all do it and I am super, extremely, possitively and absolutely excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I have a french class to go to now! I hope everyone is having a splendid November day!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

General Conference

I can hardly wait for General Conference Friday and Saturday! It will be the spiritual and mental uplift that I so need to make it through the rest of the year! I hope everyone has a chance to listen, not only with our ears but with our hearts!

Friday, September 17, 2010

If Wishes were Horses (My Thought for the Day!)

Well, I thinking a lot today about the things that I wish I had or I wish I could do.
For example,
  • I wish I could dance on pointe shoes right now in Ballet (something that will take me a while to do, because of time, money and not being strong enough.)
  • I wish I was a master pianist! (Something that could maybe be a possibility if I took the time to practice)
  • I wish I could play the violin very badly
  • And I wish my Grandma was still alive so she could teach me to sing, since she was taught by someone from the Chicago Opera.

Since I was thinking of my Grandmother a saying that she told me many times came to mind-

"If wishes were horses than beggars would ride."

Wishing isn't always a bad thing, but it's not something I should focus on or worry about. The only thing I can do is change the things I can and not worry about the things I can't. And when we do the things the Lord wants us to, and focus on that instead, then we will truly be happy.

As long as we do what the Lord wants us to, does anything else really matter?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Colds are not fun things to catch when you have to go to school! This is mostly a new experiance for me ( I did have to go the seminary when I had colds but seminary was only one hour, not most of the day!).
A few tips are~
  • Get lots of sleep! A few extra hours goes a long way!
  • Don't over do it (example: dancing even when you don't feel like it and don't even have to!)
  • Drink lots of water! I've noticed that juice [the really stuff, not 10%] tastes really good too!
  • Make sure you wash you're hands a lot etc.. so you don't pass it on!
  • Think positively!

Anyways, just thought I'd share what was on my mind! ;o)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Time goes fast!

I can hardly believe my sister Kierra is turning 12 this Sunday! She'll officially be a young women. ;o) I am so grateful I got to go to girls camp with her this summer. I wish I could be there in young women but I guess there really are reasons for every part of our life! Kierra is such a cheerful person, something I need to work harder at! I am so grateful for all of my family!
I hope Kierra has the best birthday ever!!!
Happy Birthday!!!

Step back

Things keep happening to me to help me realize that if you take a step back (and take a deep breath) the things that seem so hard to you at the time aren't as bad as they seem.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

BYU Education Week Highlights (August 16-20 2010)

Here is some highlights from Education Week, which by the way was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!
Some of these will have to be kind of brief and I'll have to add more later!

Brian Andre-
~5 Ways to Remember Christ~

1. Put Him first-
  • (Exodus 20:3)
  • "It is clear that putting spiritual learning first does not relieve us from learning secular things. On the contrary, it gives our secular learning purpose and motivates us to work harder at it. If we will keep spiritual learning in its proper place, we will have to make some hard choices of how we use our time. We generally know when papers will be due, when tests must be taken, when projects must be completed. And we know when the Sabbath will come. We know when the institute class will be held. We know when the prayers at the beginning of a day and those at the end should come. We know about how long it takes in reading the scriptures before we begin to feel the Holy Spirit. We know about how many hours it takes to prepare and to perform our service in the Church. When we see life as it really is, we plan for a time and a place for all of those things. There will come crises when there does not seem to be enough time. There will be many instances when one thing crowds out another. But there should never be a conscious choice to let the spiritual become secondary as a pattern in our lives. Never. That will lead to tragedy. The tragedy may not be obvious at first, nor may it ever be clear in mortal life. But remember, you are interested in education not for life, but for eternal life. When you see that reality clearly with spiritual sight, you will put spiritual learning first and yet not slight the secular learning. In fact, you will work harder at your secular learning than you would without that spiritual vision."~President Henry B. Eyring (CES Fireside "Education for Real Life")
2. Slow Down, Unplug and Be still-
  • Pslam 46:10
  • Matthew 4:1
  • Mark 6:32
  • Luke 9:18
  • John 8:2
3. See Him in everything-
  • Moses 6:63
  • Alma 30:44
4. Practice Makes Permanent-
We show how we feel about Christ by the way we treat others.

5. Remember how much He loves you!
  • Matthew 11:28
  • 3 Nephi 9:14

More is to come, at least that's my plan ;o)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well, I've lived through the first week of school. It hasn't been too bad except that I don't feel like I'm completely here anymore ;o)
I guess things are already starting to feel a little monotonous, but I will work through that feeling! I am very dissapointed that my favorite math teacher is having some health problems and can't teach any more. To be completely honest, I'm VERY depressed about that!
I love teaching my dance classes. The girls really make my day! I just hope that I can remember to teach them, not just play with them :o)
I'm absolutely sure that everything I am going through is supposed to give me experience, that I'll need during my life! I just have to keep telling myself to look at the big picture!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Times and Seasons

I am excited for this new time in my life! I know that I have an amazing chance to learn and grow from this new time. I have the hardest time dealing with change, it hasn't ever really been my friend, but I do want to grow and become better! I can only do that with the Lord's help. He can help us with anything, anytime, and anyplace!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010